Calendar printing is about advertising again. An advertisement for a company, product, or significant event, anniversary, or holiday. Can be promotional material for distribution at exhibitions, presentations.

The calendar can be a poster, pocket, book, loose-leaf, business calendar.
May be in two, three or four parts.
You can come up with your own original shape, we will print this calendar for you.

It is better to use thick paper, from 160-180 g / m2.
Calendar elements should be visible at arm’s length.
If the sheets of the calendar are made matte so that you can mark and write something on them with a pen, then you can use the calendar as a glider.

Do you want to please your client and unobtrusively remind yourself of yourself?
Order your postcards from us!

Do you think the paper version of congratulations is already outdated?
But after all, a person opens a postcard in electronic form, looks at it and forgets it.

And a greeting card made of designer paper and cardboard will lie on the table and remind you of yourself, that is, of you. After all, your logo and contact information will be printed on it.

Surprise your customers, come up with an unusual, original postcard and we will print it on high-quality paper.

